the past twenty minutes I have been sitting here with my mind both
blank yet stupidly full all at the same time. Doesn't even sound
possible does it? The stupidly full being that my life of late has been
busybusybusy but with mostly inspiring creative 'stuff' which is
awesome. The blank part comes in when I try to make some sort of sense
of it in order to blog it.
So I figured I would upload a pic of lately and see what happens... (rambling on mostly haha)
My life when I am not at work of late is filled with social media, networking, and product photography. One Man's Trash has been all consuming, we love it. Sharing such a creative endevour with himself is bliss, in our years together I have never seen him so inspired and focused.
The pieces we have posted on our facebook have been really well recieved, and as the 'likes' grow it is begining to feel like a community of likeminded people.
This is where I have been, and clearly not blogging, and for the first time I don't feel super guilty about it. For I am out there in the world being creative, loving, and living an authentic life - the fact that I can't find it in me to blog every few days is becoming much more okay to me. Don't get me wrong, I would love to be blogging constantly but working a full time management job, and then helping with One Man's in my 'free' time (plus family, friends, Ruby, and trying to self nuture) does not lend itself to being here all that much.
So yeah, go and like us on facebook if you haven't already (if you actually do like us/our work that is haha)
Mel x