Monday, 18 July 2011

Of late.

Annnnnnd I'm alive! Haha. Believe me - there is no way of saying how excited we are to be done with the whole moving thing. Stupendously so my friends. That, and to be sitting here drinking tea (whilst I practically sit on the heater) typing this out is seriously the most excited I have been all month. 
Let me fill in the massive void of time that has passed since the last post.
Packing was not a huge issue once we actually got started, it was just the overwhelming dread beforehand that was the most daunting. That, and the whole sitting around playing Atari and looking at old photos were not conductive at all. We did however, pull an old suitcase out of the built-in wardrobe thinking it was empty, only to find that it was full to the brim with old cameras and accessories that himself bought at a garage sale and that we obviously never even went through (I only have about a quarter of my collection of cameras on display at once due to lack of space, and change them out every so often)

Who forgets they own that?!

 Getting the gazillion or so dollars together for the rental bond was a bit sketchy as we had no-where near enough saved up for it. Whoops. The real estate we rent through made life an absolute nightmare for us (not giving us all the keys anyone?!)
Getting the internet changed over was a nightmare also as we found out after a three week wait to be re-connected only to have no dial tone at all. Another week passed before they booked us a technician to come and sort it but only between the hours of 8-12 on a Friday. Handy huh? He was grumpy and rude but at least had the fact that he turned up at 8.02am playing in his favour. Turns out that when the kitchen was recently renovated the wall socket for the telephone was cut to move it, and the 'workmen' that did so chose to not re-wire. They instead just poked the old wire that lead to no-where through the hole in the floor and went on their merry way. Charming. Because I love paying $220 only to find that I was plugging my modem into the equivalent of thin air. Bastards.
The move was horrendous. Moving/lifting heavy things does not make for a happy me. In fact, manual labor of any description + me = a whole lot of tanty throwing. Hate it. Make no secret of it. More than happy to play the girl card on that one haha. 
It ended up that I lifted for the bulk of the stuff from both our places but then got to the point where we made the call to play to our strengths. He got a friend and they lifted and shifted whilst I did the cleaning and unpacking.

So yeah, a shit start but we have finally settled in and it is awesome! 
We were practically living together for a year or so previously aka himself sleeping over every night, so there aren't too many surprises on that front. We've both seen 'it all' and lived to tell the tale haha. TMI? Probably lol. 
This new place is 'ours' together though, and that it just lovely. During that nightmare-ish few weekends of moving/everything going badly, we had quite a few fun moments. Deciding which drawer to put the tea-towels in together was seriously the most fun. Sounds pretty mundane I'm sure, but to us it was our first decision together. The first room we unpacked together was the kitchen/dining actually, and it is turning out to be our favourite room to be in. Perhaps because he loves to cook and I love to watch him outwardly enjoy something so much? Or maybe even because the kitchen in my old place was so tiny and just yuck? Whatever it is I do so love being here with him. Here, in this house, this moment in time. Just so bliss filled and fun.
Truly, if I wasn't me I would make me sick with how in love I am with this gorgeous man. 

Ahem. Anyway, back on topic. My other favourite 'things' so far are -

Having my very own laundry/washing line/yard/back deck.

No more having to put a bra/pants on to put washing in the machine. Or worrying that I might have to make small talk with anyone while I hang it out (my neighbors were lovely but sometimes a gal just wants to do the chores and be left to it. That, and I am a total hermit on my days off lol)
After manymany years of share houses/units/granny flat living it is pure bliss to walk into my yard and just be.

Having a massive, nice kitchen with an oven and lots of storage.

The past few years have been lived with only a stovetop, microwave, and a tiny convection oven. Not fun.

The nicest, quietest neighbors ever!

On one side we've got a lovely older couple and their dog Emma. They are sooooo nice. Pa (not his name, but we'll respect their privacy here) brings our bins up the driveway for us on bin day and likes to show me pictures of his grandkids. Today when I was out it rained and I cursed something shocking knowing I had four loads of washing hung out. Not so. Arrived home to find it all bought in and placed outside our door. Seriously! How nice is that?!? Living in the world we do it is something like that that renews my faith in people not all being crappy to one another. I teared up a little haha
The other is the back fence of a large. leafy block so big win there! The area is proving to be quiet as. Sounding like the biggest grandma I know, but of a night, I love to sleep at a reasonable hour. And continue to stay asleep. Sometimes a big ask when living so close to others.

In any case, that is where I have been. Moving, unpacking, loving my man, loving my new house. Really hope y'all stuck around!

melanie ann xo


  1. Woohoo! Happy new house!
    When do leah and I get to come and play?

    1. Yeah Kaye! When do you and Leah get to come play?!
