Sunday, 15 January 2012

bride to be festivities (image heavy)

Oh hi there!

This week has gone by super fast indeed. More than keen to share some images from last weekend before it gets too long ago (by my standards anyhow haha)

A wayyyy fun time was had by all, it seems as the fun level increased the images taken decreased dramatically :S

The festivities started in the afternoon with some cheese and crackers, mingling, and then some fun/sweet games.
We played 'Linsey' trivia which was hilarious. Also, Linsey's fiance was asked a bunch of questions beforehand and she had to guess his answers. This was both funny and very very lovely as some of his answers were beautiful about her.

Linsey and Kav (fellow bridesmaid and our games and music gal)

most amazing cupcakes ever! Christine (fellow bridesmaid) created these. so clever

Auntie Candy, Nanna, and Katie (fellow bridesmaid and creator of the beautiful sash Linz is wearing)

forgot to get pics before food was served, whoops haha

As Linz had no idea about the plans, we planned a scavenger hunt for her throughout the day where she had to decipher a bunch of clues that led her to tasks, items to wear (to embarrass as she was the hen) or onto the next location.
Auntie Candy, bride to be, and Sam
The apron in the above image was bought from Little Miss Dinah on etsy. I had big plans to create my own for her using this tutorial, but never found the time so bought instead. In future I do plan on sewing myself one though. Cutest!

my daddy in his element ♥
My dad is a bus driver and we put that to good use and hired him for the night, as well as a bus. He pulled up to the house as the bridal shower wound down and Linz followed the clues to a local gourmet pizza place.
Shared some of the yummiest pizza's ever between the table, and a few bottles of wine and the clues continued...
linsey and christine (fellow bridesmaid and cupcake genius!)

One of the tasks was to get a gentleman's business card. Linz asked the restaurant manager, Adam. he didn't have one but gave over the restaurant's card with his name written across it. He was hilarious the whole time and a great sport.

adam trying to write on Linsey's face
Our time at the restaurant ended with some tipsy-giggling girls humming 'here comes the bride' as Adam walked Linz out.

We then proceeded onto my place of residence where we had told Linz her last surprise was waiting, a present that was too big to bring to her.

bride to be banner from FancyFlamingo

mum (mother of bride) and auntie shell
I think that her guess was a jumping castle.
on route, with a makeshift blindfold
Twas a stripper.

please note my half baked attempt at bunting in the background. I ran out of time but it would have been super cute haha
A dwarf stripper.

 His name is Tiny Tim and he was hilarious. He was an absolute hit and we all loved the show.
myself, tim, + linz
Above is one of the only shots of me on the day. I borrowed that dress from Linz and I am totally obsessed with it. Super flattering and pretty and I wanna steal it :P

After the entertainment we were due to head over to a chocolate bar for dessert but we decided to head on in for cocktails instead. I'd not had cocktails before and was sceptical as to whether they were worth the $14 a go.
They totally were. I sampled the "Vodka espresso", and "Mama's apple pie". Yummiest beverages ever!
We popped by for some Karaoke, then to a local club for dancing and frivolites.

Fell into bed at around 3.30am totally exhausted, quite drunk, and stoked with how well it all went.

And so that, my dear friends, is what I have been working away at for the past few months.
All of the planning, creating, and etsy browsing came together nicely along with help from Linz's Mum, the fellow bridesmaids, and my Daddy.

Oh and Tim haha.

Monday, 9 January 2012

heck yes!

Nine hours sleep, eating well(ish), taking my vitamins this morning and a quick bike ride this arvo has left me feeling pretty darn amazing right now.

Do I feel freaking high on feeling-goodness right now?

Heck yes!

I feel so energised that I could totally dance like this right now...

funny gifs

No. That's a lie.

Only Napoleon can dance that well, the rest of us can only watch on in total awe as he busts those moves.
But anyhow...
Feeling great is considerably, well great, haha.

On that note, it is new-pod-cast-night so I am off for a shower and early bedtime.

Happy Monday all, I truly hope you feel as wonderful as I at this moment


Sunday, 8 January 2012

bride to be...

Currently in 'day-after' mooch mode from the above celebrations. I am uploading and sorting the resulting images, and reflecting on an awesome time had by all.
Expect a massive post/photo dump in the coming days...

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

old beginings

I want to blog more
to have a clean home
to lose that last bit of weight
to be a nicer girlfriend
to be kinder to my body and myself

to live an authentic existence
to no longer merely want to be all these things, but to be living a life that strives toward being the best me. to make continued and somewhat consistent efforts toward this

no longer do I wish to live life according to the urges I feel - no longer grab every single time for the quickest fix
to sit with these urges and impulses screaming at me means they will fade away. afterwards I will be stronger.
afterwards it will all be okay. it is just a matter of getting to the after

now is not the part where I will vow that 2012 will be the year, that it will all change because it is the new year. I am still the same me I was at the very start of 2011, wanting much the same as now. longing to be living life the way my heart desires.
that's the good thing about life, so many chances to give it another go.
and so today, the 3rd Jan 2012, I am giving it another go.
one urge at a time. one teeny tiny step at a time. perhaps even a whole day at a time.

I will leave you here with images of my right now, the home that is making my heart practically burst with happiness.

 I hope that you all join me in these moments of my trying to live life as me. attempting change. giving an authentic life a really good go.

much love