Sunday, 20 May 2012



1.the basic, real, and invariable nature of a thing or its significant individual feature or features: Freedom isthe very essence of our democracy.

This week I found myself reflecting on how this space is lacking in my everyday. Due to my being time poor, the 'big events' tend to get covered, and the rest slips by unmentioned. In future I would like to remedy this by including more topics that make up my days, that mesh together and make up my world. All of the beings and events that are the very essence of my days and of me. Would like this part of my world to match up to the rest.
What better starting off point is there then my biggest obsession?

The beautiful Ruby Clare.
 When I say obsessed, it is possibly an understatement. All day long she is in my thoughts, I manage to bring conversation around to her, and as soon as we get home of an evening we seek her out for cuddles.
 Looking back into the archives on here though she had one mention. Craziness. Last time Ruby had a post of her own (here) she had not long come to live with us. At the time Ruby was quite poorly indeed, needing some vet care asap.
The vet nurse lied about the haircut coming good in a timely manner.
Only now, four months later has all her fur started to even out.

 Ruby is the most spoilt cat I have ever encountered. Feed on demand (starting with first feed at 5.50 am when she wakes us) ramps to get onto our bed and the lounge (she has a bit of trouble jumping these days) and her own blankets to snuggle. When I say her own blankets they used to be ours but she has claimed the fluffiest/warmest to nest on.

Ruby Clare's favourite pastimes -

watching the world from the window sill in the bedroom

sleeping and eating

meowing near our heads if we attempt to sleep past eight

being the most gorgeous feline ever 


every few weeks she likes to go outside and walk on the grass a little, she then returns back inside and sleeps for several hours to recover

 We adore her and can't imagine what we did with our time before she joined us.
That, and she is now nineteen years old. NINETEEN! That's nuts.
I had no idea cats lived that long, so I googled it. Turns out Rubes is 93-ish in cat years (whoa) and the oldest a cat lived to on record is thirty something. I can't even imagine.
She is fairly frail already, so I am just stoked on every day we get of her. Would love to see her make twenty.
