Saturday, 22 October 2011

big news and my life of late...

As before mentioned (or vaguely hinted at lol) in this this post I've some big news...

I've been promoted at work! YAY! I really really wanted the role, like in a all consuming/ridiculous way. My manager left (such a sweetheart whom taught me alot) and I went for it.
And got it.
Craziness. Haha, not really crazy. But surreal in a huge way. Soooooooooo happy! 
Totes deserve it. Typing that is a bit  difficult (as in super hard to admit to the world) but I do.  Lots of hours and hard work went into getting here and to reap the benefits now is just lovely.
I officially started a few weeks ago, but was care taking my store for five weeks before that whilst my manager was at another local store (that manager was on a super massive holiday, which I was super envious of but she totes deserved it)
Must be doing something right eh?
the lovely card my parents sent me :)

In case you've all been missing me, that is where I have been. Working. With an awesome team. Seriously loving the women I have on board, they are such a support to me. Yup, all women. Pretty sure that is standard in the retail sector but. My area manager is the best too. Funny as, and has heaps of experience to share.
Just loving life in general. 
Neglecting my blogging and projects but I imagine that I will get to those someday. Not someday soon.
So, to sum up...
- I've my dream job
-Himself is lovely as ever and supportive, and possibly a bit over having a tired girlfriend. Whoops :S
-My weight loss program is on hold whilst I adjust to getting paid fortnightly rather than weekly, but am missing my delivered meals. Am planning to take it back up asap as I'm just 5kilos away from goal!
-Off this weekend, and am headed off to visit with himself's family
-It is a quarter to two in the A.M. and I need to sleep a bit, but missed y'all and my blog too much to be going to bed at a semi-normal hour
-Yay for life/love/stuff ♥

Monday, 3 October 2011

busy, lazy, but mostly just tired

how I feel right now (source)

 I'm over extended emotionally, and just want to hide away. But, alas, I may not. I am having to tell people no, and prioritize certain people/things in my life of late (the past week or so) which I find a bit hard to do.
But that is okay, even though I get the guilts for turning stuff down etc, I am only one person. This one person can only do so much before burning herself out and therefore being useless.
That, and stupid effing daylight savings started on Sunday morning and my body clock is wrecked. In fact, it is a quarter to nine in the evening right now and we're sitting down to eat. It is only an hour the clocks go forward by but it has been brutal for himself and I.
So please, if you know me in real life, be kind. If you are a reader here only - know that I am not vanished into thin air and that melanie ann creative is continuing.
I've just the tireds from stuff. Because life is not all sunshine and lollipops over this way (I hate bloggers that only cover the good, and gloss over the bad)

So how was everyone else's weekend?