Its official, we're a family these days.
Myself, himself, and beautiful Ruby....
BTW Ruby is a cat haha. She came to us on Sunday and is here to stay.
Her fur on her back was matted into mostly one huge dread lock, ears filthy, and some of her claws were ingrown into the pads of her feet. I can't even begin to wonder what was going on in the mind of the people in charge of her care. Not much is my guess. GRRRRR! Anyhow, I won't go there as 'they' don't concern me.
We took her to the vets on Tuesday and they were not too impressed at her condition either. She ended up having to be sedated so she could be shaved etc which knocked her about a heap :(
After she had a massive sleep she came good though, and has been purring pretty much non-stop since. Even when she eats. Even when we make fun of her for looking like this....
Forgot to rotate before uploading whoops. P.s. Animals are hard to photograph on an iPhone. Just sayin' |
Unfortunate look for her, but the vet-nurse did prep us before bringing Ruby out to us. I believe her words were "they do say The difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is about a week"
Ruby has been a part of Himself's life for many years, but she is very new to mine. I'm very smitten already ♥
Things I love most about having Ruby as a part of our little family:
- she follows me everywhere around the house, like a puppy
- the noises she makes when she eats (sounds like himself a bit lol)
- spoiling her with treats, feeding her lots and patting on demand. It is of my opinion that she loves this too
- giving a previously neglected pet a new, comfortable home
- waking up to her cute face and her good morning meows
Seriously, is she not the most beautiful geriatric feline that you ever saw?!
I'm such a cat lady these days - worrying about Rubes when I am at work, bringing her into conversation at every chance, and showing off pictures of her on my phone to everyone I meet. I think I am a cat person. That, or a bit of an obsessed mum to Ruby (she is mostly human so it totally counts lol)
How about you? Are you a cat person or dog person?
melanie ann xo