Tuesday, 29 November 2011

It is MORE than time

This has been popping up on my news feed on fb the past week or so, everytime I watch it I tear up. So beautiful and is an issue very close to my heart.
I just can not understand why a person would be discriminatory toward another human for any reason.
Please share ♥

Monday, 21 November 2011

Right now

Of late, being as busy as I've been, my self-care has been the first thing for me to neglect. Because of this, the past few days or so I have felt myself sliding downward, my mood dipping into the start of a really bad place for it to be in. This neglect of myself a knock on effect to the rest of my life as I skip the gym because I am tired, eat like crap because I cannot "be bothered" and give in to outside demands that I really don't need to I get more tired and skip more and keep on spiraling.
I've not had any time to myself to just do nothing for a few weeks either which makes for a very shirty me. All of that, and the fact that I've been in a really horrible sleeping pattern (or more like not-being-able-to-get-to-sleep-and-stay asleep-because-my-brain-wont-turn-off-pattern) has found me in this moment.
You know how people describe depression as a black dog? It is totally like one, but mine if more like a fly on a hot summer's day when you're trying to eat outdoors. It just won't fuck off.
No matter how much you swat at it, try to squash it, or even just shoo it away, it just keeps getting all up in business. Landing on your food/face and hovering noisily in your space. Seriously, nothing seems to get it to leave.
The depression just keeps on creeping in, and it makes me so angry that I have to keep dealing with it. Keeps flying back at me. Sometimes I want to kick, scream, and throw myself on the ground like a small child. NOT FAIR :(

But alas, it is still here. Perhaps I might be deemed as one of the lucky ones that can maintain with exercise, diet, adequate sleep etc. At least meds are not part of the equation for me, not anymore anyway. It is just SO FUCKING HARD though. UYSIOHDAPSORFJoisdgbfiosdfhaspfhiOPOHafiuegoihgahhhhhhhhhh!
To get up, to get myself to the gym/go for a walk. To not eat the 'good right now foods' that leave me low. 
Just to exist is exhausting.

Friday, 18 November 2011

and Ruby makes three...

Its official, we're a family these days.

Myself, himself, and beautiful Ruby....

BTW Ruby is a cat haha. She came to us on Sunday and is here to stay.

Her fur on her back was matted into mostly one huge dread lock, ears filthy, and some of her claws were ingrown into the pads of her feet. I can't even begin to wonder what was going on in the mind of the people in charge of her care. Not much is my guess. GRRRRR! Anyhow, I won't go there as 'they' don't concern me.
We took her to the vets on Tuesday and they were not too impressed at her condition either. She ended up having to be sedated so she could be shaved etc which knocked her about a heap :(
After she had a massive sleep she came good though, and has been purring pretty much non-stop since. Even when she eats. Even when we make fun of her for looking like this....

Forgot to rotate before uploading whoops. P.s. Animals are hard to photograph on an iPhone. Just sayin'

Unfortunate look for her, but the vet-nurse did prep us before bringing Ruby out to us. I believe her words were "they do say The difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is about a week" 

Ruby has been a part  of Himself's life for many years, but she is very new to mine. I'm very smitten already ♥

Things I love most about having Ruby as a part of our little family:

- she follows me everywhere around the house, like a puppy
- the noises she makes when she eats (sounds like himself a bit lol)
- spoiling her with treats, feeding her lots and patting on demand. It is of my opinion that she loves this too
- giving a previously neglected pet a new, comfortable home
- waking up to her cute face and her good morning meows

Seriously, is she not the most beautiful geriatric feline that you ever saw?!
I'm such a cat lady these days - worrying about Rubes when I am at work, bringing her into conversation at every chance, and showing off pictures of her on my phone to everyone I meet. I think I am a cat person. That, or a bit of an obsessed mum to Ruby (she is mostly human so it totally counts lol)

How about you? Are you a cat person or dog person?

melanie ann xo

Saturday, 5 November 2011

today - 5/11/11

Hello there all!
Another weekend off, and am loving it! Trying to take it easy though as I've been ill this week and really need to rest up. Being ill and having to stop + rest etc is one of my least favourite things in the world as there is always so much to do. Suffice to say that I've been struggling with having to pause. 
Himself and I went for a drive this morning and checked out a local op-shop, turns out that op-shop was on its last day of trade and himself knew the owner - win! They were running a "fill a bag with books for $5" and the owner let me into the back room to rummage - awesome win! Ended up with twenty seven paperbacks, all chick lit.
Got two super cute tank tops for a few dollars each.

Not completely sold on the bows though as they sit a bit funny, think I might make some new ones out of a different material. Sigh. Add that to the 'project pile' haha. That, and try to excuse my awkward attempt at a photo of the top with me in it. Just not happening lol.

Just finished up our BBQ lunch, and cleaning up the back deck. 

Is still an evolving space, the whole house is really. I am seriously crushing on these lantern/candle holder thingamys for the table.

Soso cute/perfect! Waiting till they go on sale. I'm thinking three of the big ones spaced out on the runner or a mix of big and small in the very centre...thoughts anyone?

Am super beat so am thinking I am done being productive for today. More than ready to put my feet up and chillax with all my books :)

melanie ann xo