Monday 6 February 2012

wedding week - day one

As previously mentioned here, I took time off to help prepare and to enjoy the week of Linz's wedding. Or better known as 'wedding week' in this household lol.
Many plans were made for this week starting with lunch on the harbour and cocktails with some workmates on day one.

Never happened.

In fact, when I woke on Monday morning, stood up walked into the kitchen (to feed the cat lol) I was hit with the most excruciating pain ever.
Horrid horrid pain that made me feel like voming.

Possibly navigate away from this post if you are a dude or not very open about women's health....

possible TMI below.....

You were forewarned :P

So I've Endometriosis, reoccurring cysts on my ovaries, and horrible heavy periods that make me really weak (and a moody little bitch haha)
Pretty much at any given time my belly is sore. It ranges from little twinges right through to horrid make me bend in two pain.

But never pain like this. My thinking was that a hot bath would ease the pain so I ran one, it barely took the edge off though. The pains came in waves and it got to the point where I was alternatively screaming out in pain and leaning over the side of the bath to vomit. It was scary. After 30mins or so of this I started to get super frightened that it was a pregnancy or something had ruptured inside me. I then called my parents to come and get me to take me to the Doctors (it must of been bad because I hatehatehate asking for help from anyone or being vunerable Hmm, is that the same thing? Anyhow, it is shit and I don't like it lol)
 and as soon as my Dad was on his way the pain eased off a bit. Always the way haha.

So I ended up having to cancel my lunch date (effing lame!) do a pregnancy test (super negative thankyou very much!) and have been given a 'maybe it was a cyst bursting' diagnoses.
The Dr was super nice though and gave me a new prescription to try, and I am still on a wayyyy long waiting list for surgery to clear out the Endo.

Day One of wedding week sucked, eh?
All I can be glad for is that it didn't happen later in the week. That would of been beyond shit.

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