Friday, 22 February 2013


Linking in with the lovely Danielle from Sometimes Sweet for the first time, these prompts are really helpful to get the brain ticking over. Sometimes life moves at such a speed that I struggle to recall what is happening currently lol.

Watching: The Block All Stars and re-watching Sex and the City for the fifth time. Himself and I are hooked on this series of The Block so its fun to have that to share with one another. Also, I just super love renovation and design shows so that works haha.

Thinking about: Himself and his creative venture. We've been interested in vintage furniture, recycling, and salvaging items that would otherwise go to landfill for years. Up cycling items into new pieces, or just restoring those for our home. Anyhow, turns out that himself really loves it and he is great at it. It has begun to turn into something bigger (One Man's Trash) and I am the (self appointed) social media/marketing/retail manager haha. It is very fun, and I am so proud of him!

Also thinking about - sustainability. The way in which we eat, live, and our consumer habits. Sometimes I get horrid anxiety re:what we are doing to this poor Earth. I have been trying to get more locally, and making a conscious effort to reduce my impact.

Reading:  Animal , Vegetable, Miracle:A year of Food Life - by Barbara Kingsolver. I'm only a few chapters in so far and it is very interesting/informative regarding eating seasonally, and of just how far our food has travelled to be on our plate.  As a society we are so used to being able to get pretty much any fruit and vegetable at any time, mostly to the detriment of the Earth (fuel consumption etc) or the poor local farmers! Very eye opening indeed.

Looking forward to: Seeing Tegan and Sarah in April, regaining my fitness/health, and watching my love enjoy his work THAT much more.

Making me happy: Baby cuddles from my great niece, time spent nurturing my mind/body/and home, de-cluttering and a more organised home, my Ruby Clare and her loving, this blog and other lovelies out there - inspired :-D

Link in below so I can drop by and check out what is happening in your world.

Mel x

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