Thursday 16 June 2011

moving sucks

Yup, it sucks really bad.

And it is stinky, yuck, and has no friends.

We've only just signed the lease today and already I am so far over it is is not funny in the slightest.

Above:random picture I found on Google images, made me laugh. This will totally be himself and I on the weekend.

Things today has taught me -
I've too much stuff. 

The two flights of stairs leading to my front door got steeper overnight. 
Real estate agents are always super friendly when they are recieving ones life savings in the form of a check. Not so much when you want something repaired etc.
Moving house is mean. You forget after a little while, it gets foggy in your mind and you start to think "hey, it is a little uncomfortable for a short while but it is okay" It really isn't.

Above:This is how I feel right now. UGH!

I would love to upload some pictures of the new place but I have packed my cord. Clever eh?
So please be kind for the next few weeks as the internet gets turned off in two days time to change over. I imagine that it takes a while to get set up again? Dunno. But in any case, I'm not dead if you don't hear from me for the next while.

I'm off for a hot shower and sleep, did I mention that I'm working during the day and moving my belongings under the cover of darkness? Yup. I'm one tired me. Ugh again. And Gah too. It will all be worth it in the end.

Good night world.

1 comment:

  1. Happy new house mel-travis! I can't wait to warm your new house soon!
    I hope the rest of your move goes as well as moving can. xo
