Sunday, 11 December 2011

Dear Melanie Ann.... are a few tips for you next time you are feeling down/shit:

-Starting the day with exercise makes you feel amazing. It helps with your weight loss, gives you energy and makes you a wayyyy nicer person to be around.

-Starting the day with lots of water and a piece of fruit also makes for all round nicer feeling melly. The massive amounts of caffeine you imbibe throughout the workday? Not so much. It makes you dehydrated, cranky, and super tired the next day because you haven't been able to sleep properly due to the consumption of fifty-million coffee's you drank because you were tired. Get where I am going with this one? Yup.

Sorry to be all captain obvious at you there, but you don't seem to be getting it do you? Not really sinking in is it?!

-You've more than enough "stuff" you don't need that book or dress or perfume. You want it. Big difference there. Paying the bills would be way more advisable.
Annnnd, just while I'm picking on you here - leaving the chores until later means the stuff that needs doing takes up space in your mind whilst you put it off. Five minutes now to fold washing/clear away dishes/sweep is better than two days spent avoiding it. Just sayin'

Hope you aren't super offended by my pointers here, its just that you already know all of this and continue to live life the hard way. You are seriously choosing to feel badly about yourself and to make life difficult.

It's getting old.

Again, just sayin'

(because everybody knows that adding just sayin' on the end of criticism makes it all okay)

Yours, Melanie Ann xo

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

It is MORE than time

This has been popping up on my news feed on fb the past week or so, everytime I watch it I tear up. So beautiful and is an issue very close to my heart.
I just can not understand why a person would be discriminatory toward another human for any reason.
Please share ♥

Monday, 21 November 2011

Right now

Of late, being as busy as I've been, my self-care has been the first thing for me to neglect. Because of this, the past few days or so I have felt myself sliding downward, my mood dipping into the start of a really bad place for it to be in. This neglect of myself a knock on effect to the rest of my life as I skip the gym because I am tired, eat like crap because I cannot "be bothered" and give in to outside demands that I really don't need to I get more tired and skip more and keep on spiraling.
I've not had any time to myself to just do nothing for a few weeks either which makes for a very shirty me. All of that, and the fact that I've been in a really horrible sleeping pattern (or more like not-being-able-to-get-to-sleep-and-stay asleep-because-my-brain-wont-turn-off-pattern) has found me in this moment.
You know how people describe depression as a black dog? It is totally like one, but mine if more like a fly on a hot summer's day when you're trying to eat outdoors. It just won't fuck off.
No matter how much you swat at it, try to squash it, or even just shoo it away, it just keeps getting all up in business. Landing on your food/face and hovering noisily in your space. Seriously, nothing seems to get it to leave.
The depression just keeps on creeping in, and it makes me so angry that I have to keep dealing with it. Keeps flying back at me. Sometimes I want to kick, scream, and throw myself on the ground like a small child. NOT FAIR :(

But alas, it is still here. Perhaps I might be deemed as one of the lucky ones that can maintain with exercise, diet, adequate sleep etc. At least meds are not part of the equation for me, not anymore anyway. It is just SO FUCKING HARD though. UYSIOHDAPSORFJoisdgbfiosdfhaspfhiOPOHafiuegoihgahhhhhhhhhh!
To get up, to get myself to the gym/go for a walk. To not eat the 'good right now foods' that leave me low. 
Just to exist is exhausting.

Friday, 18 November 2011

and Ruby makes three...

Its official, we're a family these days.

Myself, himself, and beautiful Ruby....

BTW Ruby is a cat haha. She came to us on Sunday and is here to stay.

Her fur on her back was matted into mostly one huge dread lock, ears filthy, and some of her claws were ingrown into the pads of her feet. I can't even begin to wonder what was going on in the mind of the people in charge of her care. Not much is my guess. GRRRRR! Anyhow, I won't go there as 'they' don't concern me.
We took her to the vets on Tuesday and they were not too impressed at her condition either. She ended up having to be sedated so she could be shaved etc which knocked her about a heap :(
After she had a massive sleep she came good though, and has been purring pretty much non-stop since. Even when she eats. Even when we make fun of her for looking like this....

Forgot to rotate before uploading whoops. P.s. Animals are hard to photograph on an iPhone. Just sayin'

Unfortunate look for her, but the vet-nurse did prep us before bringing Ruby out to us. I believe her words were "they do say The difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is about a week" 

Ruby has been a part  of Himself's life for many years, but she is very new to mine. I'm very smitten already ♥

Things I love most about having Ruby as a part of our little family:

- she follows me everywhere around the house, like a puppy
- the noises she makes when she eats (sounds like himself a bit lol)
- spoiling her with treats, feeding her lots and patting on demand. It is of my opinion that she loves this too
- giving a previously neglected pet a new, comfortable home
- waking up to her cute face and her good morning meows

Seriously, is she not the most beautiful geriatric feline that you ever saw?!
I'm such a cat lady these days - worrying about Rubes when I am at work, bringing her into conversation at every chance, and showing off pictures of her on my phone to everyone I meet. I think I am a cat person. That, or a bit of an obsessed mum to Ruby (she is mostly human so it totally counts lol)

How about you? Are you a cat person or dog person?

melanie ann xo

Saturday, 5 November 2011

today - 5/11/11

Hello there all!
Another weekend off, and am loving it! Trying to take it easy though as I've been ill this week and really need to rest up. Being ill and having to stop + rest etc is one of my least favourite things in the world as there is always so much to do. Suffice to say that I've been struggling with having to pause. 
Himself and I went for a drive this morning and checked out a local op-shop, turns out that op-shop was on its last day of trade and himself knew the owner - win! They were running a "fill a bag with books for $5" and the owner let me into the back room to rummage - awesome win! Ended up with twenty seven paperbacks, all chick lit.
Got two super cute tank tops for a few dollars each.

Not completely sold on the bows though as they sit a bit funny, think I might make some new ones out of a different material. Sigh. Add that to the 'project pile' haha. That, and try to excuse my awkward attempt at a photo of the top with me in it. Just not happening lol.

Just finished up our BBQ lunch, and cleaning up the back deck. 

Is still an evolving space, the whole house is really. I am seriously crushing on these lantern/candle holder thingamys for the table.

Soso cute/perfect! Waiting till they go on sale. I'm thinking three of the big ones spaced out on the runner or a mix of big and small in the very centre...thoughts anyone?

Am super beat so am thinking I am done being productive for today. More than ready to put my feet up and chillax with all my books :)

melanie ann xo

Saturday, 22 October 2011

big news and my life of late...

As before mentioned (or vaguely hinted at lol) in this this post I've some big news...

I've been promoted at work! YAY! I really really wanted the role, like in a all consuming/ridiculous way. My manager left (such a sweetheart whom taught me alot) and I went for it.
And got it.
Craziness. Haha, not really crazy. But surreal in a huge way. Soooooooooo happy! 
Totes deserve it. Typing that is a bit  difficult (as in super hard to admit to the world) but I do.  Lots of hours and hard work went into getting here and to reap the benefits now is just lovely.
I officially started a few weeks ago, but was care taking my store for five weeks before that whilst my manager was at another local store (that manager was on a super massive holiday, which I was super envious of but she totes deserved it)
Must be doing something right eh?
the lovely card my parents sent me :)

In case you've all been missing me, that is where I have been. Working. With an awesome team. Seriously loving the women I have on board, they are such a support to me. Yup, all women. Pretty sure that is standard in the retail sector but. My area manager is the best too. Funny as, and has heaps of experience to share.
Just loving life in general. 
Neglecting my blogging and projects but I imagine that I will get to those someday. Not someday soon.
So, to sum up...
- I've my dream job
-Himself is lovely as ever and supportive, and possibly a bit over having a tired girlfriend. Whoops :S
-My weight loss program is on hold whilst I adjust to getting paid fortnightly rather than weekly, but am missing my delivered meals. Am planning to take it back up asap as I'm just 5kilos away from goal!
-Off this weekend, and am headed off to visit with himself's family
-It is a quarter to two in the A.M. and I need to sleep a bit, but missed y'all and my blog too much to be going to bed at a semi-normal hour
-Yay for life/love/stuff ♥

Monday, 3 October 2011

busy, lazy, but mostly just tired

how I feel right now (source)

 I'm over extended emotionally, and just want to hide away. But, alas, I may not. I am having to tell people no, and prioritize certain people/things in my life of late (the past week or so) which I find a bit hard to do.
But that is okay, even though I get the guilts for turning stuff down etc, I am only one person. This one person can only do so much before burning herself out and therefore being useless.
That, and stupid effing daylight savings started on Sunday morning and my body clock is wrecked. In fact, it is a quarter to nine in the evening right now and we're sitting down to eat. It is only an hour the clocks go forward by but it has been brutal for himself and I.
So please, if you know me in real life, be kind. If you are a reader here only - know that I am not vanished into thin air and that melanie ann creative is continuing.
I've just the tireds from stuff. Because life is not all sunshine and lollipops over this way (I hate bloggers that only cover the good, and gloss over the bad)

So how was everyone else's weekend?

Monday, 19 September 2011

week five

This week has bought many challenges, and with those challenges - tiredness. When I am tired I stress easily, eat more, and am basically mean. Mostly to me but.

This weekend we hosted a BBQ for my elder sister's bday which was super fun, but it meant that my eating was a little over the top and that I find myself on day six of this weeks eating plan with extra food. Lame.
When I began this food delivery we agreed that if we were going to invest in this (and it is a total investment for our wages at present) that I had to commit to it. That I needed to do it right and stick at it. This week I feel as though I haven't really given it my all due to tiredness and excuses, and I am really disappointed in me.
But that is okay, because tomorrow is a new day. A new chance to start over. This life just keeps on giving me new opportunities to start over and of that I am super grateful.

All of the above being said, I lost almost another kilo this week so yay for that!

These work pants have gotten to the point of super-obscenely loose, they look ridiculous. But that is okay since I bought them for $4 at the salvo's. More where those came from. I've also been coming to the realization that all of my fave clothes won't be any use to me once I hit goal weight. Makes me a bit sad, which is stupid I know. But sad all the same.

In other news this week, Himself's friend (an upholsterer) made us up some awesome cushions for our day beds.


Our back deck area is coming together super nicely, tis a nice spot for book reading and cups of tea indeed.
We just love our little home, can't wait to own a place with Himself someday way soon ♥

How was everyone else's weekend?

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

the undaunted one

Today I was brave. I stood up to that inner monologue of mine many many times. That 'voice' that urges me to run and hide when something is new/scary, that tries to convince me that I'm not worth the effort or eating well/exercise/getting dressed nicely on my day off. The biggest urges of late however, have been the ones regarding eating. It was to be expected really. The more I ignore the urges the louder and more scary they appear to be, but really they can't do anything to hurt me. In the past I did a bit of ACT therapy - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy which was absolutely perfect for me.

"ACT is based on the idea that, generally, trying to rid ourselves of pain and distress only increases it, and turns it into something traumatic.  The alternative is to accept it - but that doesn't mean being defeated or tolerating suffering.  We learn to make room for painful feelings, thoughts, and sensations - allowing them to be there, coming and going without us struggling against them"

My Dr gave me the the demons on the boat  metaphor to read over as homework one time, this is still something I refer back to almost daily - reminding myself that it is okay, that it can't hurt me. It is just uncomfortable sometimes emotionally, and I have mostly learnt to sit with those feelings. 
Which is where the courage comes in. I am proud of how brave and strong I've been lately, it has taken a buttload of effort and it would be easier to not be brave defo.
Running means no pay off though, that I don't honour my desires and dreams. Lame.

Another thing that frightens the pants off me (don't worry not literally!) is sharing full body images of myself. Current, head to toe (clothed!!) images of me. 

Before I have lost.all.the.weight....

Eep! I'm going to be totally cliche and "feel the fear and do it anyway"
Hmm, actually, that makes my post-title into a little bit of a lie...since I am a little daunted but okay with it...

Here goes...

So, yeah. I'm awesome. A little battered but happy as and feeling super pleased with my efforts to live a life that is authentic and mindful :)

I already know that I'm a Fatty Mc Fatterson, so no mean comments. Just sayin'

melanie ann xo

Saturday, 3 September 2011

before + after - weight loss

One of my earliest memories is of a boy in year three calling me 'mount everest' (last name similar to Everest, still had puppy fat and was tall early on)
It was around that time that I started being super aware of my body, and started feeling bad about my appearance. The stupid thing is that I was in no way large at the time, especially by today's standards. But I got it right into my head that I was massive and ugly early on, that there was something really wrong with me both on the outside and in. I won't go into it right now as I can't word it right, but alot of my very early life experiences left me feeling already shitty about me, and when I started getting bullied I just figured "oh yeah, sounds about right" so I kept on treating myself like shit. By year six/seven I was overweight, but not massively so. High school bought more intense bullying, and thus I kept on abusing myself with food and never really participated in sports etc. That, in my view, would of been asking for people to stare at me/judge me.

me at fifteen
Also at the time, my mother and I were really clashing (a whole other post :s ) so I moved out of home and in with my eldest 'sister'
Walking to and from school, and not having as much crap food around me meant that the weight dropped off a bit, but by this time my body image was so skewed that I couldn't really see it. I knew that I had lost a bit, but still felt massively obese.

year 12 formal - me at seventeen

After school, I spent alot of time in a very intense friendship. This friend has serious body image issues and spent alot of time hating on herself. Hearing that, and looking at her gorgeous healthy body had me feeling even more massive/ugly than ever. Every time she would criticize herself, all I was hearing was 'this slim body of mine is disgusting, and wrong so yours is unacceptable in every way.' We were fucking stunning. In fact, I was actually the slimmest I have been my entire adult life.

Lots of drinking, eating, and hating on myself then saw me absolutely explode. Not literally, but I was so large that I'm surprised that I did not. In the period of a year and a half I put on 25-30 kgs (38ish pounds.) Not entirely sure of the exact figures as it was super yoyo when I was nineteen and hanging with my friend.
Anyhow, I got fat. But until I had to go in for some surgery and I weighed in at 101kilos, I just felt fat like always. A bit bigger, but I not as huge as I was. Anyways, being over one hundred, and seeing myself in my sister's wedding photos bought it home to me - it was time to stop. If I didn't do anything at that stage it would of gotten too hard in my mind I think, and I would have been into housebound territory within a year or so. Haha, maybe not that bad, but definitely biggest loser material.
Being 101ish kilograms (224 pounds) was stupidly uncomfortable much of the time also, especially in the summer.Warning TMI coming up - when I used to walk around alot in the workday, I would end up with bleeding sores on the inside of my thighs. True story.

So I started on a food delivery program called nushape and lost 10 kilograms in the first fortnight. My body was super shocked I think and took a little to re-adjust. It is all meals and one or two snacks a day delivered, so you don't have to think about what to eat and how much of it. Easy as.

in the image on the right I was on my way to a costume party lol

I then started to workout at curves also, and the weight steadily came down nicely. Taking lots of photos helps me as what I see in the mirror has not changed much at all. Working with a therapist regarding this stuff and more has helped a bit too.
At this stage (less than 10 kilograms from goal, gah!) for some reason I thought I could do it on my own, or that I couldn't afford it anymore. Dunno.

I couldn't and I didn't. The weight has crept back on a bit over the last year or so. To the point of 86ish kilos again. Yuck. Living/eating with a skinny/tall man whom never gains weight no matter how much crap he eats at all hours does not help at all. That, and the portion sizes have gotten massive again. Eep!

Linsey getting engaged helps though, as I really do not want to be a big bridesmaid again. That isn't the only reason that I desire to lose the weight, but has given me a clear time frame to aim for. I want to get there and stay around there. Be healthy and feel better about me.
Thus have started back on the nushape. This is week 3 and so far I have dropped 4-5kilos (didn't weigh myself at the start as I could not bear to face it lol) and plan to incorporate exercise back into it next week.
I have been too tired from work and the adjusting to less food to get there.
So yeah, dress fittings are in November and I plan to get to 68kilograms by then.

Totally doable. I also only plan to stay on the nushape for 12 or so weeks for all meals, and then just get the lunches. Figure that gives me enough time to re-train me into eating what my body needs, and good portion sizing habits.

one week ago

Himself is already commenting that my face looks slimmer, and I do feel a bit better already. So yay for that!
I also created private group on facebook for myself, the bride, and another bridesmaid as we all have certain goals we wish to reach. It is helping me stay accountable and focused.
Here is hoping that this blog might also halp, so if you are reading this let me know with a 'hello' in the comments. My weght loss journey is a big focus of mine presently so I will enjoy sharing it here with you kids anyhow.

Tis twenty to midnight, and I have had a big day at work so until next time we meet...

melanie ann xo

oh, ps. i am in no way affiliated with any of the abovementioned companies, just sharing what has worked for me in the past and what I am doing now re:weightloss.

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

maid of dishonour

So! There is something that I have been meaning to blog on for freaking ages but never quite seemed to get there and then that flowed on to other related posts that I couldn't really share because I never did initially blog about the first 'thing' and that would of made no sense.... 
But it gets the point across. 
I think.

Anyhow, the big news that I for some reason neglected to post about...

My bestie Miss Linsey Patrice is getting married!


The proposal actually happened months ago (Easter I think) and she called me that evening and I may or may not of cried a little.

Back story - I've known Linsey since she 18 and I was 20. We met through a guy I worked with at the time. We used to get drunk a lot together. On a Wednesday night at a local pub. Since then we've been on many adventures together, and she is bloody awesome, and super gorgeous (bitch), and I love her a ton.

miss patrice and myself

We went out a few days later for coffee and she asked me to be her Maid of Honour. Of course I said yes. I may or may not have just cried a little again, but it is totally unconfirmed lol. 
Since then we've been in planning mode and put together a binder with lists and photos of inspirations for color etc. Sometimes we jokingly refer to it as our wedding. Except we aren't completely joking...haha.

It isn't going to be a super typical (aka lame) wedding and what is planned thus far is soooooooo beautiful. I love it.

So yes, Linsey is getting married and now I can follow this post up with others things I have been wanting to share.
But not right now. Instead I am off to have a bath and go to bed. It is seven pm after all :P

melanie ann xo

Oh ps, the man she is marrying is super nice too lol

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson-

life as a juggling act

I've been struggling with balance. The delicate balance between what I desire career wise, my relationship, my family, myself. Don't get me wrong, I'm not all 'oh life is crappy, I feel bad.'
Not that there is anything wrong with that. If I did feel that way I wouldn't hesitate to blog about it. Because I want to be true to real life on here. And my real life defo has its melly feels shitty times occasionally.
But this post is not that today.

Life is gooooooood.
Like awesomely freaking great.
Life is also changing in a day-to-day context. I am adjusting accordingly, but the changes that have been going down means that I really have had to asses what is really important to me and stick with that. Not to say that I don't totally feel super guilty about stuff because I really can't be in twenty places at once. My not having a twin/ personal assistant means I move things/people/myself onto the back burner frequently, it is just getting it 'right' I suppose.
This past week or so it has been all about working, himself and trying to catch up on house tasks. Anytime I have had off with himself has been spent just chilling, doing projects, or going on drives.

The time I have had off has consisted of my trying to get washing clean/dry/away/off the lounge room floor. Eep! Love the washing part and the having clean clothes part. The actual folding and putting away however is not my favourite thing in the world. In fact, for the past week and a half I truly have been rummaging everyday through the pile of clean washing on the lounge. I am finding that having what I desire means that I need to compromise like this. To let things slide a bit. So not easy for me and my 'everything has to be done and in its place before I can feel right' attitude. And defo not conductive to regular blogging. But practise is making for a more relaxed/balanced me.

Some stuff I have been up to in my "offline" life...
(in no particular order. mostly because I cannot remember which order they occurred in haha)

My Leah bestie came over, she bought her family with her. Twas lovely. Morgan is getting so big and grown up and it is such a joy to be a part of their lives :)

Seriously! There is a reason the whole 'kids grow up too fast' sentence is such a cliche, because it is so true :S

Myself and Himself have been thrifting a heap. We have found absolute gold!

That print is from letterhappy on etsy. I lovelovelove it! She is such a sweetheart too. I don't think that this will be its ultimate 'home', but since the curly-iron frame thingamy and the print were sitting around waiting to be a current project I figured they might as well hang instead.
We bought he iron-frame thingamy (anyone know what it is?) at our favourite vintage store locally. It was $28 and the lady who runs the store it such a kindred. She loves stuff with a history and we stayed for ages just chatting to her. As we left with out purchase she called out and said that she was glad to meet us and that we made her day. Lovely lady and an awesome contact to have as she is going to keep an eye out for some stuff we are after.

Probably my fave find of late has been this....

Driving home on Sunday (from markets and a picnic by the sea. Was bliss ♥) and himself spotted an old dude putting this out on the curb. It works for the radio so far, and we most likely can fix the record player in it. Stoked! Planning to play my box of eighties compilation records on it. Also found on the side of the road in this neighborhood six months ago before we lived here. Haha, I love us.

So much more to catch up on, hope to make some more time for this place here. I do so love this space since it is all mine. Himself is super encouraging of this blogging, always asking how it is all going and telling me that he likes it when I blog. What a gorgeous man he is :)

For now however, there is a load of darks in the machine, a load and a half of lights/colours and two loads of linen calling my name...

melanie ann xo

Monday, 18 July 2011

Of late.

Annnnnnd I'm alive! Haha. Believe me - there is no way of saying how excited we are to be done with the whole moving thing. Stupendously so my friends. That, and to be sitting here drinking tea (whilst I practically sit on the heater) typing this out is seriously the most excited I have been all month. 
Let me fill in the massive void of time that has passed since the last post.
Packing was not a huge issue once we actually got started, it was just the overwhelming dread beforehand that was the most daunting. That, and the whole sitting around playing Atari and looking at old photos were not conductive at all. We did however, pull an old suitcase out of the built-in wardrobe thinking it was empty, only to find that it was full to the brim with old cameras and accessories that himself bought at a garage sale and that we obviously never even went through (I only have about a quarter of my collection of cameras on display at once due to lack of space, and change them out every so often)

Who forgets they own that?!

 Getting the gazillion or so dollars together for the rental bond was a bit sketchy as we had no-where near enough saved up for it. Whoops. The real estate we rent through made life an absolute nightmare for us (not giving us all the keys anyone?!)
Getting the internet changed over was a nightmare also as we found out after a three week wait to be re-connected only to have no dial tone at all. Another week passed before they booked us a technician to come and sort it but only between the hours of 8-12 on a Friday. Handy huh? He was grumpy and rude but at least had the fact that he turned up at 8.02am playing in his favour. Turns out that when the kitchen was recently renovated the wall socket for the telephone was cut to move it, and the 'workmen' that did so chose to not re-wire. They instead just poked the old wire that lead to no-where through the hole in the floor and went on their merry way. Charming. Because I love paying $220 only to find that I was plugging my modem into the equivalent of thin air. Bastards.
The move was horrendous. Moving/lifting heavy things does not make for a happy me. In fact, manual labor of any description + me = a whole lot of tanty throwing. Hate it. Make no secret of it. More than happy to play the girl card on that one haha. 
It ended up that I lifted for the bulk of the stuff from both our places but then got to the point where we made the call to play to our strengths. He got a friend and they lifted and shifted whilst I did the cleaning and unpacking.

So yeah, a shit start but we have finally settled in and it is awesome! 
We were practically living together for a year or so previously aka himself sleeping over every night, so there aren't too many surprises on that front. We've both seen 'it all' and lived to tell the tale haha. TMI? Probably lol. 
This new place is 'ours' together though, and that it just lovely. During that nightmare-ish few weekends of moving/everything going badly, we had quite a few fun moments. Deciding which drawer to put the tea-towels in together was seriously the most fun. Sounds pretty mundane I'm sure, but to us it was our first decision together. The first room we unpacked together was the kitchen/dining actually, and it is turning out to be our favourite room to be in. Perhaps because he loves to cook and I love to watch him outwardly enjoy something so much? Or maybe even because the kitchen in my old place was so tiny and just yuck? Whatever it is I do so love being here with him. Here, in this house, this moment in time. Just so bliss filled and fun.
Truly, if I wasn't me I would make me sick with how in love I am with this gorgeous man. 

Ahem. Anyway, back on topic. My other favourite 'things' so far are -

Having my very own laundry/washing line/yard/back deck.

No more having to put a bra/pants on to put washing in the machine. Or worrying that I might have to make small talk with anyone while I hang it out (my neighbors were lovely but sometimes a gal just wants to do the chores and be left to it. That, and I am a total hermit on my days off lol)
After manymany years of share houses/units/granny flat living it is pure bliss to walk into my yard and just be.

Having a massive, nice kitchen with an oven and lots of storage.

The past few years have been lived with only a stovetop, microwave, and a tiny convection oven. Not fun.

The nicest, quietest neighbors ever!

On one side we've got a lovely older couple and their dog Emma. They are sooooo nice. Pa (not his name, but we'll respect their privacy here) brings our bins up the driveway for us on bin day and likes to show me pictures of his grandkids. Today when I was out it rained and I cursed something shocking knowing I had four loads of washing hung out. Not so. Arrived home to find it all bought in and placed outside our door. Seriously! How nice is that?!? Living in the world we do it is something like that that renews my faith in people not all being crappy to one another. I teared up a little haha
The other is the back fence of a large. leafy block so big win there! The area is proving to be quiet as. Sounding like the biggest grandma I know, but of a night, I love to sleep at a reasonable hour. And continue to stay asleep. Sometimes a big ask when living so close to others.

In any case, that is where I have been. Moving, unpacking, loving my man, loving my new house. Really hope y'all stuck around!

melanie ann xo

Friday, 17 June 2011

{this moment} 17.6.11

{this moment} - A friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember

inspired by soulemama

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see

Happy Friday!

Thursday, 16 June 2011

moving sucks

Yup, it sucks really bad.

And it is stinky, yuck, and has no friends.

We've only just signed the lease today and already I am so far over it is is not funny in the slightest.

Above:random picture I found on Google images, made me laugh. This will totally be himself and I on the weekend.

Things today has taught me -
I've too much stuff. 

Thursday, 9 June 2011


...we were approved for a rental property

...was the third day in a row that I broke a promise to me that I would definitely get up and go to the gym

...I felt very yucky due to lack of physical activity for the past few days

...we got a call that we were indeed successful in our application to rent a house together. Oh, I already mentioned that did I? So so stoked :D

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Kid, you’ll move mountains!

"...and grind on for miles across weirdish wild space, headed, I fear, toward a most useless place.
The Waiting Place…for people just waiting.
Waiting for a train to go or a bus to come, or a plane to go or the mail to come, or the rain to go or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow or waiting around for a Yes or No or waiting for their hair to grow. Everyone is just waiting.
Waiting for the fish to bite or waiting for wind to fly a kite or waiting around for Friday night or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake or a pot to boil, or a Better Break or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants or a wig with curls, or Another Chance. Everyone is just waiting..."
Theodor Seuss Geisel

It has been a huge week. Many many things of happened. Some of which I have mentioned here and some happenings that I can't/wont go into on here. Those are mostly 'maybe' happenings anyways, happenings that I have been wanting for quite some time that might just come to be. Soso stoked.
Of late I have been feeling a bit stuck in place. Working toward particular goals, waiting for other parts of my life to come to be in the "right" moment, not really being able to do anything much. This stuck place is not very kind to me as I am very solution orientated.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

before + after

Let me preface these images by stating this - please be kind as the past week or so have not been so kind to me. My being busy + tired = embarrassing mess. 
Also, embarrassing mess + days off + no car + torrential rain = cleaning like mad.
Those factors, and the fact that I am moving soon sent me into a flurry of scrubbing walls, dusting, and donating half of my wardrobe to charity.


Eep! Told you it was bad! Absolute chaos! Ugh, when my home is this way so is my head.